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ChildHR Shop


Item Qty Unit price Subtotal
Today - Monthly subscription
Includes 10 x user license
1 50.00 50.00
Additional user licence

Enter the number of additional user licences required above the 10 included.

5.00 0.00
Set-up Package

Re-enter the number of employees you have subscribed for Employees licenses.

200+ Employees - Price on application

875.00 0.00
Subtotal AUD 50.00
Tax (GST) AUD 0.00
Total AUD 50.00

Your ongoing subscription renewal will be AUD 50.00 per month

This order includes a total of 10 x user licenses

Minimum subscription term is 12 months


Please enter the name you wish to appear on your account.

Please enter the details for the administrator of this account.


Please ensure the details for the billing contact on this account are correct.

All invoices will be addressed to these details.


Credit card payments incur an
additional surcharge of 1.80%

mm yyyy

We accept Visa and MasterCard

This card will be automatically charged on the renewal date